Call Us : + 1-323-209-5630


Below are some of questsion we have been asked frequently
  • What kind of Services do you provide ?

    We design, architect, develop, secure and scalable, amazon AWS based Web Services. We also do Database Design and Development work, product development for Web, Desktop and Mobile platforms.

    We also provide consuliting services related to Design and Development of Software product and Services, cloud based infrastruture,
    and platform/software as a service (PAAS/SAAS) consulting, primarily using open source tools and technologies and Amazon AWS infrastructure as a Service (IAAS).

    We partner with other companies in Asia to help us localize and market, contents, products and services. We can help in taking an idea or concept, to a fully functional secure, scalable products/services.

  • How big is the company and How long have you been in business ?

    We are a small company with offices in Los Angeles, USA.
    We partner with a company in Tokyo, Japan and another one in Shanghai, China, to help us localize and market our product and services in Asia.

    We have been doing product development since 2009 and before that we were a consulting firm.

  • I have a product idea, can you help us realize it ?

    Yes, product development is our core value proposition, and we believe that, now, we have a strong foundation, along with certain core set of reusable components, that we have built over the years, to help turn idea's into products

    We are also working on productizing our set of components/utilities/modules into a reusable framework to jump start the development process.

  • What is your product/software development process and methodologies ?

    We believe that a simple common sense approach to process and methodologies works better than any thing else out there.

    We like the Agile method of developing components, and integrating it all into an overall product, so that we can show measurable progress along with course correction, if needed during the development stage.

    We try to be nimble, work smart, and believe that, constant regualar feedback and communication, between different stakeholders works the best.

    We believe that breaking up a project/product into small self contained modules, with measurable goals, targets, and a small set of managable features and functionalities, and associated development and test feedback loop works the best.

  • Do you do Graphics design, Web page Design?

    No, we are not a graphics design company, we do some of the graphic design work for our own products and services, but we primarily work with partner design companies to help us realize the look and feel desired.

    We are Software Architects and Engineers, we believe that we have a good aesthetic sense, and understand what works or does not work in terms of user interface, but we are not graphic designers.